Beyond The Bills

Hello it’s almost month 🔚 Month end is approaching and people will start getting there salaries. The question is how are they going to handle their resources. Well! Just like I said yesterday attitude is everything. Most of us were raised in an environment where our guardians got paid and spent all the cash buying…

Hello it’s almost month 🔚

Month end is approaching and people will start getting there salaries. The question is how are they going to handle their resources. Well!

Just like I said yesterday attitude is everything. Most of us were raised in an environment where our guardians got paid and spent all the cash buying food and paying utilities. Therefore, they couldn’t invest their resources rather they spent them and became more poorer. But should we continue with the same setup? If no why can’t we change the attitude towards money.

Well let’s look at two attitudes.

The average person feels comfortable when all bills are settled and remains cashless whereas the most effective person feels more comfortable when he has enough to invest.

This simple attitude has made some rich and some poor. The reason is that the rich thinks of the generations to come and they invest into it whereas the poor thinks of the present and squander all their resources.

My advice is let’s not feel comfortable when the only thing we do with money is to pay bills. Rather let’s invest our resources more than we spend them. Finally Wankumbu says, “Get more assets than liabilities. It’s the assets you purchase today that will afford the luxuries you desire tomorrow.”

Human Developer

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